Category: Art

Art635 by GTBank Artist On-boarding Process
The form will be used to apply to the Art635 gallery. After your entry form is reviewed by our curators and approved it will be included in the Art635 gallery. If your entry is rejected you will be offered the opportunity to update your entry with the recommended changes. Please note that you will need […]
Nigerian Textiles
By Tobijulo Onifade Fashion and Textiles is an intricate part of our society today. the Nigerian fashion and textile scene is one of the visible and booming arts today. Textiles are associated with life’s moments and festivals such as weddings, funerals, life cycles and many more. The Nigerian textile practice is divided into 4 parts […]
My Art635 by GTBank Virtual Reality Experience
By Tobijulo Onifade I arrived at the Ogba Iyaiye branch at past 11 to experience the Art635 Virtual Reality Art Exhibition. Tomisin, a hospitable young lady gave instructions on how it worked “To move from one room to another or a different floor, focus on the yellow circle, to get more information on an art […]
A Selection of African Artists You Should Know
By Adefoyeke Ajao In 2004, the Canadian artist Chris MacClure launched the International Artist Day (IAD). Held annually on October 25th, IAD is a celebration of artists, their works, as well as their diverse and unique contributions to society. To commemorate this day, Art635 presents a selection of African artists in various stages of their […]
Artists Executing Interesting Projects in Fashion
By Tobijulo Onifade The Nigerian Art scene really excites me. I cannot explain it, year in year out there seems to be a new discovery and improvement in that scene and I know that what we are seeing is just a scratch of the surface, by the time the scene reaches its full form? I […]
Art635 by GTBank Virtual Reality Art Exhibition
Arts is one of the four pillars of GTBank’s Corporate Social Responsibility policy and with Art635, the bank aims to further its support for African arts by providing exposure and positioning the Arts as a profitable and commercially viable venture for indigenous artists. This is in line with the Bank’s corporate philanthropy efforts […]
Make-Up Artistry: Is it really Art?
Art the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects (Merriam Webster Dictionary) The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. (Oxford Dictionary) Makeup […]
Artist of the Week – Olarinde Olayemi Ayanfeoluwa
By Tobijulo Onifade scribble1 [skrib–uh l] verb (used with object), scrib·bled, scrib·bling. to write hastily or carelessly: to cover with meaningless writing or marks: The most exciting aspect of the Nigerian visual art scene these days is the ability of our people to turn the smallest and negative things into something creative. Scribbling and doodling have been associated with negativity and absentmindedness but its something we all […]
The Collaboration between Fashion and Art
By Adefoyeke Ajao The relationship between fashion and art has always been a point of contention; a perennial argument that sees fashion designs as fungible, but regards art as invaluable. It is a multilayered puzzle that unravels a series of complex questions: Why should fashion collaborate with ‘art’? Is fashion in itself not art? Why […]