Art635 by GTBank Artist On-boarding Process

POSTED IN Art, Art history, Culture, Digital art, Drawn art, Sculpture

The form will be used to apply to the Art635 gallery. After your entry form is reviewed by our curators and approved it will be included in the Art635 gallery. If your entry is rejected you will be offered the opportunity to update your entry with the recommended changes. 

Please note that you will need to sign in with your Gmail account to fill this form.

Please note that the term “Artist” is the general term used to refer to all individuals (Painters, photographers, sculptors etc.) who want their work showcased on the gallery; also the term “artwork” is the general term used to refer to all high-resolution pictures of the artists works uploaded (pictures of paintings, photographs, pictures of sculptures etc.)


The Onboarding Process

The Art635 Gallery onboarding process is designed to enable visual artists to register to join the gallery from wherever they are in the world. 

The registration process is a one-off entry that gives us the information we need to add your work to the gallery and subsequently plan an exhibition for you to partake in. 



Step 1

You access the onboarding registration form and input your:

  •  Artist Name
  • Artist Biography (To be written in the third person)
  • Artist Location (Artists Studio Location if applicable) 
  • Artist Phone Number
  • Artist Email Address
  • Artist Personal or Business Website
  • Artist Profile Picture
  • Artist Artwork Pictures
  • Artist Social Media Handle(s)
  • The details of each artwork uploaded: Name, Description, Dimensions, Location, Year, Medium. 


Artist Name

Your name as you would like it to be listed on the gallery (First name, Middle Name, Last Name)

Artist Biography

Tell us about yourself, your educational background, your career as an artist, the inspiration behind your work and your career aspirations. This is to be written referring to yourself in the third person. (250 words or more)

Artist Location

Tell us the address of your studio or what state and country you live in.

Artist Phone Number

State your phone number(s) so that we can reach you if needed.e.g (Country Code) Phone number: (+234) 809 001 0020

Artist Email Address

State your email address(es) so that we can reach you to let you know once your artwork has been approved or rejected.

Artist Personal or business Website (If any)

The name of your personal website so that we can add it to your Artist profile.

Artists Social media handles (if any)

The social media handles of any relevant social media accounts you want to be associated with your artist profile. 

Artist Profile Picture

We need a clear picture of you for your Artist profile on the gallery. Please ensure uploads are in JPEG format. Note: Please name the image appropriately before uploading i.e.: ArtistName e.g. JohnDoe

Artist Artwork Pictures

We need ten clear pictures of ten of your artwork to be forwarded to our gallery curators for review. Kindly ensure to upload artwork that is available for sale. Please ensure uploads are in JPEG format. Note: Please name each image appropriately before uploading i.e. : Artwork Name_ArtistName e.g. TalesbyMoonlight_JohnDoe

The details of each artwork uploaded

The details of each uploaded artwork must be filled in the registration form so that we can plan any possible exhibition or sale as needed. 



Step 2

Your submitted registration form is reviewed and forwarded to our gallery curators for a secondary review. If our curators reject your entry you will be advised on steps to take to get approval. 

If your registration entry is approved you will be added to the Art635 Gallery and sent a confirmation email.



Step 3

We will reach out to you by phone and email with opportunities to participate in exhibitions and opportunities to sell your work online and offline. 

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