Win or Win

The world they say belongs to the patient man but history tends to contradict this popular opinion. Spanning through centuries and through time, the world has been ruled by men or had a win or win attitude, men who spit in the face of fear and laugh at the face of a probable defeat, Men […]

artiste Efeakpokrire Uyota Tony Warri, Delta, Nigeria

Efeakpokrire Uyota Tony was born in Warri city, Delta state in May 20, 1992. Having grown up in the midst of a plethora of social issues in Nigeria, his love for human rights Art activism grew tremendously. As a youngster he felt a career in Law will help him express his ideas, opinions and thoughts […]

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8.5 X 11 Inches Canvas size

The world they say belongs to the patient man but history tends to contradict this popular opinion. Spanning through centuries and through time, the world has been ruled by men or had a win or win attitude, men who spit in the face of fear and laugh at the face of a probable defeat, Men who dare to leap off the top of the mountain with a belief that they will grow wings on the way down, ponder on this.

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