
Symbols and figures dominate Enebeli’s work. Here a troop of armed hunters with their dogs press forward “homeward” with their catch. They are surrounded by what looks like forest deities and other symbols of gods related to their occupation and locale. Hunting and gathering of wild animals have always been and will continue to be […]

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50" X 24" Canvas size

Symbols and figures dominate Enebeli’s work. Here a troop of armed hunters with their dogs press forward “homeward” with their catch. They are surrounded by what looks like forest deities and other symbols of gods related to their occupation and locale. Hunting and gathering of wild animals have always been and will continue to be an important aspect of life in rural African societies. In the past, hunting provided the main source of animal protein and professional hunters occupied a highly respected position in the society.  In many African countries, hunting is not only a means of securing food resources, but is also a social event (rites of passage) in which young men proved their manhood

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