Mayowa Alabi

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“Mayowa Alabi Damilola is a 23-year-old digital illustrator and designer with over three years of professional design experience. He has been a part of the various design and art projects for many exceptional companies over these years, notably, illustrations for Co-Creation Hub Nigeria and a charity auction organised on Twitter for victims of Otodo Gbame with Just Empower based in Lagos, Nigeria. He also just recently emerged as the winner of the European Union/United Nations Women Gender Equality Picture It Comic & Cartoon Competition in 2017.

He is also going to have his first solo week-long art exhibition starting on the 16th of December at RoadChef Drive-Thru, Lekki. He started practising art at a very young age, though he claims he is still in the learning process but he has created some excellent pieces over time. Digital art has helped Mayowa discover other interesting parts of himself. “