Isshaq Ismail

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Isshaq Ismail (Ghanaian, b .1989 ) is a versatile painter of Ghanaian descents who works tirelessly in trying to harmonize varieties of media and techniques to spark a renaissance of contemporary African Art. In the scope of his aesthetic strategies, he creates grotesque figures in paintings, Art that refines particular wastes(Recycle) and cleverly reuses collected fragments from his studio.

Predominantly, his work is covered in fine Acrylic and oils with Palette knife playing his friendly tool. Every piece seeks to explore traditional draftsmanship with Semi – Abstract painting, uniquely developed grotesque forms on Canvases. Everyday work of the human society inspires his pieces and engages viewers with a keen interest in his personal experiences and projection into the future from a personally perceived point of view.

A complete body of work tells a fascinating story that vacillates between fluid motion and static, and also mastery of expressed forms in diverse artistry. Growing up as a sensational Semi- Abstract Artist, minimalism has been my primary mode of work, with special preference to grotesque figures and surfaces (textures). Frequent dynamism embodies my workpieces with thick sweeps of brush strokes and sharp strikes of the palette knife carefully spreading acrylic paint across the canvas. I also put together drawn Pieces with pastels on paper that reflects character and mood embedded in my works.

My constant flow in Semi-Abstract hasn’t changed my creative scope, I reach the core of my intuition and incisive instincts that challenges me to combine materials that are likely or unlikely to fuse, colours that may either conflict or harmonize, spatial arrangement and elements that surprise and spark instant attention, well blended into a conceptual piece of Fine Art, that is satisfying to both the Artist and the prime viewer.

I explore and experiment without fear or conformity. Evident in my works are distorted images fused with wordings, static and free flow of paint, collage and text. I express my ideas onto canvas by Overlapping, Juxtaposing and superimposing of colour and images on the painted surface while making additions of mixed media materials.

Exposing my expressed views and thoughts through this process. It is through this process that I hope to evoke the Identity (existence) and how our imperfection helps shape us for better.