I am Blessing Oloye, a graduate of Microbiology from Covenant University. A self-taught, relief sculpture artist can be said to be my artistry definition. Most of my artworks are inspired by life issues: The joy, the struggles, and the mixed emotions are translated into works of art. Art for me is cathartic, allowing emotions to spill out onto a canvas and embracing therapy.
Over the years, I have worked mostly as a commissioned artist – from oil paintings to bars and high relief, using the eye has a major point for communication because I believe that the eyes are the windows of the soul and doorways to the heart. They often reflect our emotions and inner being. A lot can be deduced or perceived from the expression in our eyes.
As an artist, I have learnt how to use the positive or negative attributes of colours in my works to subliminally send a message. My predominant colours are brown and white. Brown is a steady, conservative and reliable colour that creates a feeling of coolness and warmth. White depicts youthfulness, perfection and innocence. It is the colour of safety, cleanliness and purity. I infrequently add a touch of rose red and yellow. Rose red is the colour of romance, excitement and vitality, while yellow creates a feeling of hope, happiness and wisdom, which are the underlying messages of my work.